Sunday 1 June 2014


April 3rd 2014
I went to Bali with #32015. There was a school event named Tur Budaya (Culture Trip). We gathered at Bandung Train Station at 5.00 pm. We travelled with train from Bandung to Surabaya. We departed with a train named "Turangga" at 8.00 pm. I sat with Faishal in train. Before the train departed, I took a picture with XI IPA 4.

April 4th 2014
After the train departed, we were given fried rice for dinner. After 12 hours, finally we arrived at Gubeng Station (Surabaya) at 8.00 am. We use some buses to continue our trip. In the bus we played some songs and sang together. We stopped in Probolinggo at 12.00 pm. We were having some lunch, taking a bath, and pray. Then, we continued our trip to Katapang Harbour in Banyuwangi. We took a ferry to Gilimanuk Harbour in Bali at 9.00 pm. After an hour on ferry, we arrived at Gilimanuk Harbour and continued our trip to Hotel Nirmala in Denpasar, Bali. It took 4 hours to the hotel, we arrived at 2.00 am. We took a rest in the hotel after very tiring journey.

April 5th 2014
We went to Tanjung Benoa. It was a place where we can play some watersports. We arrived there at 9.00 pm. After 3 hours, we gathered at beach to had some lunch and changed our shirts with 'Turbud' shirt. Then, we continued our trip to Pujamandala. It was a place that we can see 5 majority religions in Indonesia having their holy sites for praying. There was only one place like this in Indonesia. It shows us that tolerance is living among Bali's people. After that, we went to GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana). It is complex of statue that if all the statues is finished, it will be the highest statue in the world. It is located in the Jimbaran Hills, so we can see the I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport and Denpasar City from there. In that place, there is a holy water source. Some people believe that if we drink the water, our wish will came true. The 'GWK' project is have been long suspended because the financial crisis in 1998. But now, in some places there, the project continued again. After seeing the statue, we played a game. The goal is to finding all clues and guessing what is that thing. Our class won the game and we got some prizes. Then, we took some pictures together. After that, we continued to Jimbaran Bay for dinner. We saw our friends performance there and we danced and jumped together while enjoying the song. After 2 hours, we went to the hotel to having some rest.

April 6th 2014
The second day, we went to Penglipuran Cultural Village. There we can see the ancient and Bali's traditional village. There are 2 different culture that lived in Bali, Bali Aga (known as old Bali) that lived only in some places like Penglipuran and Trunyan, and the others people called it 'Bali Majapahit'. Except Bali Aga people, we having a close relationship with Java People because we are the remainders from Majapahit Kingdom. After that, we went to Kintamani Restaurant. Before having a lunch and pray there, my class took some pictures together. After lunch, we went to Sukowati. Sukowati was the one of traditional market in Bali which sold a lot of art craft, clothes, foods, with cheap prices. I bought a pants in Sukowati and went back to the bus. After that, we went back to the hotel and prepared for 'Makrab' (Malam Keakraban) Event in the hotel's convention center. We saw some performances from our friends, '#32015 Movie', and '#32015 Award' there.

April 7th 2014
The last day, we went to Pandawa Beach. But, on the way there, we had an accident. Our bus crashed with a motorbike. Then, we stopped the bus in gas station and joined with another bus to get there. Pandawa Beach is a new beach that previously blocked by hills. There we had tug of war game. We won the game again and got some money for prize. After that, we headed to Krisna. Krisna is a famous shopping store in Bali. I bought a 'barong' shirt and went back to the bus. Some of my friends want to go to Kuta Beach, but we must ride an elf to get there. So we ride an elf to Kuta Beach. At Kuta, we taking a walk at Legian Street. After an hour, we directly went to I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. We departed with Air Asia plane at 5.30 pm and arrived in Bandung at 7.00 pm. It was a very amazing trip. There were many unforgettable moments in Bali.

Monday 5 May 2014



1. According to the text, what thing that connects the earth with another dimensional world?
A. Gate
B. Portal
C. Fissure
D. Hole
E. Pit

2. What are the creatures that come from the fissure?
A. Aliens
B. Kaijus
C. Dinosaurs
D. Zombies
E. Robots

3. Human developed a technology of controlling mechanical robots by some pilots. What is it?
A. Jabber
B. Jagged
C. Jagger
D. Jarger
E. Jaeger

4. Beckett Brothers are the pilots of the Jaeger named...
A. Crimson Typhoon
B. Chemo Alpha
C. Striker Eureka
D. Gypsy Danger
E. The Shatterdome

5. Who is the head of the Jaeger Program?
A. Dr.Geiszler
B. Mako Mori
C. Stacker Pentecost
D. Dr.Gottlieb
E. Raleigh Beckett

6. The Shatterdome is located in...
A. Russia
B. China
C. Australia
D. Hong Kong
E. Pacific Ocean

7. The pilots of "Chemo Alpha" were coming from...
A. England
B. Russia
C. Germany
D. China

8. How much the pilots that control Jaeger named "Crimson Typhoon"?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five

9. Yancy Beckett died in a battle with Kaiju. Who is the new partner of Raleigh Beckett?
A. Stacker Pentecost
B. Dr.Gottlieb
C. Dr.Geiszler
D. Hannibal Chau
E. Mako Mori

10. There was a Jaeger that explodes inside the rift and destroyed the fissure once and for all. What is that Jaeger?
A. Shatterdome
B. Striker Eureka
C. Gypsy Danger
D. Chemo Alpha
E. Crimson Typhoon

Monday 21 April 2014

Motivational Story for Life

A teacher was dying, but still was cheerful and kind. Students were gathering around his deathbed. "Ask. While I’m still here, I can help you somehow."
And he was showered with questions. The teacher listened to them and started crying.
"You ruined my feast, dear ones! Now, I see that I was a bad mentor. Fine, I will try to fix it in the last minutes of my life."
And he said the following:
"Every morning I would wake up with a smile on my face. I would meet the day, as though it was the first and the last day of my life and I would accept everything it offered me with gratitude. I was happy for every meeting with you, as though it was the first and the last meeting, and every time you would open to me as a new world. I would pray as though it was my first and last prayer that God will hear from me, it was necessary not to forget anything or anyone. I would work with pleasure and to exhaustion, as though I would never have to work again. I would look with a smile of admiration at every creation of God, as though I saw them the first and the last time. I always lived for that one day: I had to live it right, as though it was the only day of my life. I longed for the meeting with the Creator so much that I did everything so I would be worthy of meeting Him. Looking back at my way, I look for mistakes, but I can’t find them.
Now, it’s your turn to look."

Movie Review: Pacific Rim

The film begins in 2013. Deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, a fissure opens up, that leads to another dimension. Through the fissure, a giant monster appears, and destroys portions of San Francisco. After many days and countless lives, the creature is defeated by human military forces.

However, what seemed to be an isolated attack builds, as more creatures begin to come through the fissure, attacking coastal cities around the Pacific. The World unites to stop the invaders, and build The Jaeger Program: a series of giant mechanical 'monsters,' intended to stop the creatures.

Original tests to have one pilot per Jaeger prove unsuccessful, as the test subjects were not able to handle the stress and strain of controlling such a huge robot by themselves. It was then decided that each Jaeger would be piloted by two pilots, their memories linked together in The Drift, synchronizing their movements to maneuver the massive machines.

As the Jaegers go to work, they begin to turn the tides, and take down the creatures (known as Kaiju). Pretty soon, the world is enthralled by the Jaegers and their pilots. They become celebrities, and even have merchandise made. As well, the dead Kaiju are soon seen as a black-market commodity, their parts sold off for various collections and medicinal purposes. But just as the war seems to be turning in humanity's favor, the Kaiju's attacks become more frequent and more brutal.

In 2020, seven years after the fissure opened, one of the more famous Jaeger duos, Raleigh Beckett (Charlie Hunnam), and his older brother, Yancy (Diego Klattenhoff) have become heroes with an impeccable record of defeating Kaijus. Pilots of the Jaeger named "Gipsy Danger," they are sent off to stop a category 3 Kaiju heading towards Anchorage. The beast is larger and more powerful than previous category 3s and will be a challenge for the team. Though the information on their monitors shows a fishing boat in the path of the attack, the Becketts are told their priority is to protect Anchorage.

Even so, they disobey orders, and still save the fishing boat, but end up being brutally attacked by the Kaiju, which rips off the Gipsy Danger's left arm, and tears away a chunk of the vehicle's helmet, sending Yancy to his death. Raleigh is devastated by his brother's death, and barely manages to pilot Gipsy Danger on his own and finishes the battle. Raleigh later pilots the Jaeger to a remote beach where he's found exhausted and emotionally devastated from his brother's death.

After the attack, Raleigh leaves the Jaeger Program, and goes to find work wherever he can. Five years later, he finds work along the Western coast of the United States as a construction worker, helping build a giant wall that is meant to keep the Kaiju out.

In the 5 years since Raleigh was with the Jaeger program, numerous countries have called for the program to be terminated due to spiraling casualties of Jaeger pilots in the increased Kaiju attacks. Many assume that building the walls will make them safe, but the head of the program named Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), claims that the world's leaders are making a terrible mistake. Even though Pentecost claims the program is still viable, it is relocated to Hong Kong and given 8 months of funding before the program will be permanently retired.

Working on the wall near Sitka, Alaska, Raleigh sees television reports that a Kaiju has broken through the one surrounding Sydney Harbor in Australia. Luckily, a Jaeger named Striker Eureka is able to take it down. After seeing the news report, Raleigh is surprised when a helicopter lands near his building area, with Pentecost requesting he come along. Raleigh is reluctant to join the Jaeger program again, however, Pentecost convinces him that he belongs in the pilot's seat.

Raleigh is then flown to the Hong Kong Base (known as 'The Shatterdome'), where he meets Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi). Mako tells Raleigh that she has studied his moves during his years in action, and how to be a Jaeger pilot, Raleigh notes she seems apprehensive. Pentecost also introduces Raleigh to two scientists under their command. One of them, Dr Newton Geiszler (Charlie Day), is an obsessive 'Kaiju Fanboy,' who studies the creatures through salvaged organs and other parts. The other is Dr.Gottlieb (Burn Gorman), who is a more 'practical' man, and is using his mathematical skills to try and pinpoint the frequency of creatures coming through the ocean rift.

Within the Shatterdome, the last remaining Jaegers and their crews have been assembled: The 3-pilot Crimson Typhoon (from China), Chemo Alpha (from Russia), Striker Eureka (fresh from its stint in Australia), and (to Raleigh's surprise) Gypsy Danger. However, since her encounter 5 years ago, she has been rebuilt and retrofitted for more extreme combat.

Raleigh questions Pentecost on just what their plan is. Pentecost explains that are formulating a plan to drop a nuclear weapon into the channel between dimensions. If it works, the channel will be destroyed, stopping any further Kaiju from coming through. Though the plan of attacking the channel has failed in the past, the program's leaders are confident they will be successful this time if all the remaining Jaegers attack simultaneously.

Pentecost soon after meets again with Geiszler and Gottlieb. Gottlieb predicts that mathematically, the number of Kaiju coming up through the rift is increasing. Geiszler meanwhile, wonders if they can learn more about the Kaiju, if they are able to 'drift' with its brain. Having a portion of one, he is eager to test his theory, but is denied by Pentecost.

Without his brother, Raleigh is tasked with helping to find a replacement. However, during a training and reflex exercise, Raleigh is a little incensed when Mako keeps calling him out regarding the number of moves to take down his opponent. Inquiring why she is being so vocal, she responds that he could have taken down his opponents with a shorter amount of moves. After winning approval from Pentecost, Raleigh spars with her, and is amazed at her prowess. He proclaims that she should help him co-pilot Gypsy Danger, but Pentecost refuses.

Eventually, another pilot is chosen for Raleigh, but at the last minute, Mako is given permission. A test-run of Gypsy Danger within the Shatterdome appears to be going well, until during the Drift session, Mako gets locked into a tragic memory, and almost sets off the Jaeger's plasma cannon within the dome.

Following the incident, Raleigh understands more about Mako and Pentecost. When Mako was a child, she lost her family to a Kaiju attack in Tokyo, Japan. Just when it seemed the creature was going to kill her, a Jaeger was deployed that stopped it. The pilot of the Jaeger was Pentecost himself who is revealed to be able to pilot a Jaeger by himself. Even with her becoming unfocused in the drift, Raleigh still wants Mako as his partner, but is again rebuffed by Pentecost.

Meanwhile, Dr Geiszler has hooked up a crude connection machine, and hooks into the Kaiju brain in his lab. After Gottlieb shuts it down, Geiszler reports to Pentecost and his men that the link allowed him a glimpse into the other side of the portal. Geiszler had theorized that based on some Kaiju samples, that what they were seeing coming through were cloned creatures, and his drift vision appears to corroborate the theory. Unfortunately, the Kaiju brain has been damaged, and Geiszler needs a fresher brain in order to learn more. Pentecost gives him a small card, and sends him to Hong Kong to look for a man named Hannibal Chau.

Geiszler heads to Hong Kong where he finds Chau, who is actually an American going under an alias. Chau is a dealer in Kaiju remains, collecting them from battle sites and dealing them on the black market. Geiszler is sufficiently impressed with Chau's secret room containing live specimens that could be useful in his theory. Geiszler bats around Chau's arrogance and questioning demeanor, until he mentions how he drifted with a Kaiju brain, leading Chau to question that if he connected to the other side, what's to say those on the other side don't know what he now knows?

Shortly after their discussion, two Category 4 Kaijus surface near Hong Kong. Pentecost sends out the Crimson Typhoon and the Chemo Alpha to fight the creatures, with Striker Eureka as backup to protect the City's coastline. Just as discussion had seemed to point to the Kaiju becoming more dangerous, the two that have emerged come with extra accoutrements. One contains a pouch containing acid that melts away Chemo Alpha's armor before they are eventually destroyed. Crimson Typhoon's crew take her into the fight, but she is soon overwhelmed by the two.

The father/son team piloting Striker Eureka abandon their orders to protect Hong Kong, and go at the creatures. However, the other Kaiju lets loose an EMP burst that disables Striker Eureka, and the equipment in the Shatterdome. With 2 hours until the system can be rebooted, Striker Eureka is dead in the water until Raleigh gives a solution: though the newer models of Jaeger are digital, the Gypsy Danger is analog and thus more resistant to EMP attacks.

Pentecost sends out Raleigh and Mako, who end up destroying the EMP-bursting Kaiju after a protracted battle, but the other one ends up heading into Hong Kong. While Chau and his associates have fled to their bunker, Dr Geiszler has been pushed out into the streets, and into a fallout shelter. However, when it sounds like the creature has settled directly over them, he begins to panic that Chau may have been right, and that it may be looking for him. As if to answer that the ceiling caves in, and the Kaiju attempts to reach him.

Just then Gypsy Danger appears and distracts the Kaiju. The battle goes through many buildings, but takes a turn when the creature suddenly sprouts wings and begins to carry the Jaeger into Earth's upper atmosphere. Utilizing the Jaeger's chain-sword, they manage to destroy it before plummeting back to Earth, barely regaining control of the Jaeger as a team to make a safe landing.

Raleigh and Mako return to the Shatterdome to cheers as the pilots of the Striker Eureka also voice their thanks and appreciation. During the jubilation, Raleigh notes Pentecost bleeding slightly from both nostrils. In private, Pentecost explains how, in the earlier days of the Jaeger program, shielding from nuclear contaminants had not been considered and that his condition has been worsening over time.

Meanwhile, Geiszler has returned to Chau and demands claim over the dead Kaiju's brain. Chau's men attempt to get to it, but find that the Kaiju is actually pregnant. Just then, an infant Kaiju breaks through a slit in the side of its Mother, and attempts to escape before falling down, seemingly choking on it's own umbilical cord. As Chau gloats over the dead infant Kaiju, claiming he'd known it couldn't survive very long outside it's mother, the creature rears up and swallows him whole, finally dying in the street.

Dr.Gottlieb soon shows up in Hong Kong with Geiszler's machine, and though the first attempt almost killed him, Gottlieb volunteers to drift with the other scientist, to cooperate in learning more through the infant Kaiju's brain. Plans are soon made to set up the Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka to deliver the warhead to the undersea rift, but due to the father in Striker Eureka's team having sustained an injury to his arm, a replacement must be found. Pentecost surprises everyone when he takes the role. However, the strain of piloting a Jaeger could prove fatal to Pentecost, but he volunteers anyway.

As the two Jaegers near the rift, Geiszler and Gottlieb rush into the Shatterdome's control room, and explain that the plan will not work. The channel between dimensions will only allow in a Kaiju, the very reason for the previous failures to destroy the channel with other nuclear weapons: if they attempt to drop the warhead into the channel, it'll just deflect out. The two Jaegers battle two Kaiju guarding the rift as a third Kaiju, a Category 5, larger more powerful than the previous creatures, emerges from the rift.

Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka sustain heavy damage in the battle. Striker Eureka detonates its nuclear core to take out the defending Kaiju and give Gypsy Danger a chance to enter the rift. Gypsy Danger drags a dead Kaiju into the rift, bypassing the code that would reject any non-Kaiju. Inside the Kaiju world, Raleigh ejects Mako in a life pod and manually initiates the detonation of the nuclear core. As Gypsy Danger enters the other dimension, Raleigh ejects in his own pod before Gypsy Danger explodes and collapses the rift, ending the Kaiju threat once and for all. On the surface of the Pacific Ocean, both pods reach the surface. For a brief period it seems that Raleigh may be dead but he awakens, much to Mako's joy.


Tuesday 11 February 2014


Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of The Aquilla Diamond
By: Sid River

Written in the style of a “Round the Horn” or “Goon Show” radio script, this has worked really well in a number of end of year reviews. It contains a few old jokes but it still makes me laugh ten years on! If the actors have good timing and can “over-act” it helps.

Parts Description
Sherlock Holmes: Traditional Homes character, intelligent, superior, arrogant and self-confident and always engrossed in the detective work.
Doctor Watson: A bumbling, upper-class fool. Idolises Holmes but just doesn’t understand him. Amazed at everything that Holmes does. Good with a revolver and a stethoscope.
Lady Aquilla (pronounced “a killer”): Acts incredibly posh and self-important. Thinks that she’s the most
glamorous thing since sliced bread.
Gertrude L’Escargo/Cook: An outrageously OTT French accent masks a supreme criminal and “mistress of disguise”. A difficult opponent for Holmes. Plays the cook with warts, a bad back and a West Country accent straight out of a Dickens novel.
Crumpton (the butler): Dead – that’s all!
Narrator: Straight from “Round the Horn”. Can stand on the edge of the stage for dramatic effect.
Voice: Voice of the play’s director offstage. Easily frustrated.

Some haunting violin music sets the scene well. A few props might be needed.

Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of The Aquilla Diamond

Narrator: The story begins inside 221B Baker St. Holmes and Watson are sitting by the fire playing chess. There is a knock at the door.
Holmes: Get that would you, Watson.
Watson: Certainly Holmes. (goes to the door, opens it, in bursts a woman in very expensive riding gear, boots and a riding hat perched on top of a large nest-like hairdo.) Goodness me!
Lady Aquilla: Mr..Holmes! (addressing Watson) I need to speak with you immediately! It is of the utmost importance!
Watson: Well, I never.... Goodness me!
Holmes: (coolly, without turning round) And Mr.Sherlock Holmes will speak to you when he decides that he is good and ready!
Lady Aquilla: And who might you be, Sir?
Holmes: (getting up and turning round) I, Madame, might be Mr Sherlock Holmes. In fact, I definitely was the last time I looked! And you, you are Lady Henrietta Aquilla of Porkington. You have rushed here, directly from riding in the hunt to ask me to recover the famous Aquilla Diamond which was, two days ago, stolen from your country house!
Watson: Goodness me! Jolly good show Holmes!
Lady Aquilla: (astonished) How on earth did you know all that Mr.Holmes? I haven’t breathed a word to anyone!
Watson: It’s just a talent that he has. But I'd like to know anyway.
Holmes: Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary. First, the knock on the door. Too loud for a hand, but not for the ornate silver riding crop that her Ladyship is holding. As for coming straight from the hunt, well, leather riding boots, fresh mud, and the unmistakable smell of horse manure, simple really.
Lady Aquilla: But my name! And about the diamond!
Holmes: Quite straight forward! You have a ridiculously expensive hairdo covered by an extremely sad hat, and your picture is in tonight’s paper under the headline “Famous Aquilla diamond stolen from Lady Aquilla”. It is this that has brought you in such a fervour and so quickly to 221B Baker St!
Watson: Marvellous! I told you he was a smarty pants! Good show Holmes!
Lady Aquilla: Yes, Yes! Very clever! But can you help me?
Holmes: Lady Aquilla, I would only be too pleased to help you. Let us make our way directly to the scene of the crime! Come Watson, the game is afoot!
Watson: I thought the game was chess Holmes?
Holmes: (sighs and sounds impatient) Watson, just call me a cab.
Watson: Righty-ho. You’re a cab Holmes.
Holmes: Doh! You just can’t get the staff nowadays!
All three exit.

Narrator: As night falls over old London town, (loud bang and scream off stage) our gallant detective and his trusty sidekick gallop their way through the steaming metropolis. Eventually, they arrive at Lady Aquilla’s country mansion tired, travel sore and weary of the endless games of I-spy with my magnified eye. Losing no time they make directly for the scene of the crime, Lady Aquilla's study.
Lady Aquilla: This is where the diamond was kept Holmes, in this glass display cabinet.
Watson: Goodness me, it’s been smashed Holmes!
Holmes: (mockingly) Well done Watson, very astute. How on earth did you work that out with all this broken glass in the way!
Watson: (extremely pleased with himself) Well, just a good guess really!
Holmes: Lady Aquilla, when was the theft discovered?
Lady Aquilla: At about 4:00 PM, two days ago. The maid Florence noticed it when she came to polish the silver.
Holmes: And someone, in the meantime, had polished off the diamond!
Watson: (laughs) Oh, very good Holmes, very good.
Lady Aquilla: This is a very serious matter Dr Watson. Why that diamond has been handed down from generation to generation of Aquilla's It was only the other day that I was saying....
Holmes: (Holmes walks to the front of the stage) Over here Watson! What do you make of this? (points to something on the floor)
Watson: (excitedly) Why, it’s a carpet Holmes!
Holmes: No idiot! On the carpet.
Watson: Goodness me! It’s a footprint in the shape of a boot!
Holmes: Yes! And a strange yellow footprint at that. Notice that it is quite small and more pointed at the front and, if I'm not mistaken, has been repaired at least 3 times in the last year. (leans down and sniffs the footprint) Hmmm.
Watson: What is it Holmes, another clue?
Holmes: Can you smell anything Watson? Apart from Lady Aquilla's boots that is?
Watson: Why, yes! What on Earth is it?
Holmes: Garlic Watson! The overpowering smell of fresh garlic! (turns to Lady Aquilla) I would like to speak to the maid if you please.
Lady Aquilla: Certainly. I’ll send for her at once.
A loud scream is heard off-stage, all gasp and rush off.

Narrator: With capes flying our dashing duo head off in search of the crime scene, speeding through the underground passages of Gotham City in the fearsome Batmobile and wearing only dark blue underpants and....
Director’s voice: (Interrupting loudly or via a microphone off-stage) Err . . . Excuse me! That’s not right!
Narrator: What?
Director’s voice: That’s the wrong script, that’s Batman!
Narrator: (confused) Are we not doing Batman?
Director’s voice: (impatiently) Err . . No. That’s next week. This is Sherlock Holmes!
Narrator: Oh! Gosh! Sorry! I’ll try again. Sorry.
Director’s voice: OK! OK! Off you go!
Narrator What? Am I fired? You want me to go?
Director’s voice: (irritated) Nooo! Just read the script!
Narrator: Oh, Riiiight! (pause to re-establish dramatic voice) Our brave detectives head off in the direction of the scream. They arrive panting at the library to find the body of Crumpton, the butler, lying dead on the floor with a large kitchen knife sticking out from the back! (whispers to voice offstage) Was that alright?
Director’s voice: Yes! Shut up!

Holmes rushes over and examines the body. He pulls out the bloody knife and holds it up for all to see.
Watson: (urgently) Is he dead Holmes?
Holmes: (sarcastically) I’d say that was a fairly safe bet Watson. Hmm! An interesting weapon.
Watson: Well Holmes, at least we know one thing.
Holmes: What’s that Watson?
Watson: (smugly) The butler didn’t do it!
Holmes: I’m not so sure Watson. Lady Aquilla, all this criminal activity is making me quite hungry. Is there any chance that you could lay on a Roast turkey dinner for us?
Lady Aquilla: Now? But shouldn’t we call the police or something?
Holmes: Just trust me on this one Madam, just trust me.
All exit stage left and reappear stage right.

Narrator: Just one hour later the great detective and the faithful Watson are seated around a candle-lit table with Lady Aquilla. With no butler, and the maid in shock, the cook herself has had to lay the table and serve the dinner, as well as cook it.
Lady Aquilla: I must apologise gentlemen for the very sparse service. The only member of staff that we have left is the cook and I'm afraid that she is best left in the kitchen!
Holmes: Don’t you worry Lady Aquilla. Watson here is an Ex Indian Army man, he won’t mind roughing it for Sunday dinner. Besides, I am most interested to meet Cookie. Ah, here is the good lady herself!
Cook enter, hobbling with bent back and carrying a large covered roast dish.
Cook: (sounding old and servile) I’m so sorry hit’s a bit late your Ladyship, but has we’re so short staffed down below, I've ‘ad to do everything myself, an' when you get to my age madam you don’t want to be running round a field after a distraught Turkey with a large chopper!
Watson: (jumping up in amazement) You mean the turkey was armed!
Holmes: Sit down, Watson! Shall we begin? Allow me to reveal this evenings savoury delights!
Holmes whips the top off the meat dish to reveal a decimated carcass.
Lady Aquilla: (gasps and stands) Cookie, what on earth happened to the turkey! It looks like it’s been savaged by wild wombats!
Cook: (looking distressed) I. . . don’t know what you mean madam? I. . . Is there something wrong?
Lady Aquilla: (sounding hysterical) Something wrong! We can’t serve that to guests! It looks like it’s been carved with a wood axe! Take it away this instant!
Cook: Yes, Madam, I’ll remove it directly!
Holmes: (Leaping up and placing his hand on the meat dish as cookie tries to remove it) Not so fast Cookie! Watson, stand by the door if you please. Perhaps Lady Aquilla, I can shed some light on the matter.
Watson: I wish you would Holmes, it’s rather dark in here!
Holmes: (Ignoring Watson) Now, Cookie. Could you please tell us all just what exactly, did you use to carve the joint?
Cook: (nervously) Why, a carvin’ knife o’course!
Holmes: Would it be a carving knife similar to. . . THIS ONE . . . perchance!
Holmes whips out knife and bangs it on the table.
Cook: (getting agitated) I . . . I . . . suppose so, yes!
Holmes: (pointing his finger upwards as though a solicitor in court) Impossible! Because this was the very knife used to stab Crumpton, the butler!
Cook: It . . . It must have been another one, I was mistaken!
Holmes: (Still gesturing) Impossible again! Just before dinner your Ladyship, I took the liberty of checking the kitchen for another carving knife, and I found NONE! What do you say to that Cookie! (Holmes walks up to Cook) Or should I say (pulls off her hat and wig) MADAME GERTRUDE L’ESCAGO. Otherwise known . . . as ‘Garlic Gertie’ of Burgundy!
Garlic Gertie: (French accent) Oh no! I am undone! You’ll never take me alive!
Watson: Goodness me Holmes!
Holmes: Watson, your service revolver!
Gertie runs towards Watson. He draws his gun and points it directly at her nose. Gertie stops and puts up her hands. Watson forces her backwards at gunpoint.
Garlic Gertie: Ok! Ok! Take me alive! I surrender!
She is led to chair and Watson ties her hands behind.
Lady Aquilla: Goodness me, Mr.Holmes, this is just too much to believe. Are you saying that Cookie here is responsible for the murder of Crumpton and the theft of the diamond?
Holmes: I certainly am, Madam.
Lady Aquilla: But how on earth did you see through it all?
Holmes: Elementary, Your Ladyship. You see, the “modus operandi” of Garlic Gertie is known across the whole of Europe! I recognized it and was on to her from the very beginning. The smashed display cabinet; a cook who cannot carve a Sunday joint and who leaves footprints made by spilled custard powder; and of course, that tell tale smell of fresh garlic! It all added up to only one thing, Gertrude L'Escago! A fiendishly clever plot though!
Cook: Yes, and if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids. I'd have gotten away with it!
Watson: All that remains then Holmes, is for her to tell us where she hid the diamond.
Holmes: Ah, Watson, sadly that is the one thing that she cannot tell us. For up until now only one person knew the hiding place of the Aquilla diamond and he, unfortunately, lies dead in the library.
Watson: Crumpton! The butler did do it after all!
Lady Aquilla: Surely you must be wrong!
Holmes: I’m not wrong, and please don’t call me Shirley! Crumpton had the misfortune to see Gertie take the diamond in the first place and thought that he could have it for himself. He stole it from her, hid it quickly but then paid the price when he would not give up the hiding place.
Holmes walks to the sideboard to pour everyone a drink. As he picks up the cut glass decanter, he pauses, and slowly holds up the top of the decanter (which is in fact the missing diamond) to the light.
Lady Aquilla: So what your saying Mr.Holmes is that we are still no further on than when we started!
Watson: She’s right Holmes, you can’t deny her that!
Holmes: There is only one thing Watson, that I cannot deny Lady Aquilla, and that . . . is a celebratory drink.
Lady Aquilla: But Mr.Holmes, what could there possibly be to celebrate?
Holmes: Only two things, Your Ladyship. Firstly, that the great Sherlock Holmes has once again successfully resolved a baffling case and, secondly . . . (Holmes holds up the decanter stopper and slowly hands it to Lady Aquilla as he speaks) . . . the recovery of the .... beautiful ... Aquilla ... DIAMOND!
Lady Aqilla gasps and hold the diamond up to the sudience with a frozen look of amazement.
Watson: By Jove Holmes, how ever do you do it?
Holmes: Ah, Elementary my dear Watson, Elementary!
Whole cast freeze whilst ending music (Crossroads theme works really well and is funny) plays then audience erupts into applause!


Monday 27 January 2014


1. The sun shining bright today.
2. She enjoys reading a novel.
3. Gary dislikes working in front of computer all day.
4. The models practiced walking with some books on their heads.
5. My sister recommended eating in a seafood restaurant.
6. This broken bicycle needs some fixing.
7. The child denied stealing a piece of candy.
8. My brother would never consider buying another motorcycle.
9. They discussed moving to the city to find a job.
10. Nina imagined lying on a beach under a palm tree.

1. His dream is to play for Arsenal FC.
2. My mother asks me to do my homework.
3. Don't forget to cut your hair today!
4. My teacher told me to study harder.
5. He taught my sister to swim.
6. We need something to eat.
7. He asked to talk to the store manager.
8. Where did you learn to speak English?
9. Tom plans to study abroad next year.
10. Frank offered to help us paint the house.


Blizzard is a severe snowstorm caused by strong sustained winds causing blowing snow that results in low visibility. The difference between a blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind, not the amount of snow. To be a blizzard, a snow storm must have sustained winds or frequent gusts that are greater than or equal to 56 km/h (35 mph) with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibility to 400 m or 0.25 mi or less and must last for a prolonged period of time – typically three hours or more.

While severe cold and large amounts of drifting snow may accompany blizzards, they are not required. Blizzards can bring whiteout conditions, and can paralyze regions for days at a time, particularly where snowfall is unusual or rare.

A severe blizzard has winds over 72 km/h (45 mph), near zero visibility, and temperatures of −12 °C (10 °F) or lower. In Antarctica, blizzards are associated with winds spilling over the edge of the ice plateau at an average velocity of 160 km/h (99 mph).

Ground blizzard refers to a weather condition where loose snow or ice on the ground is lifted and blown by strong winds. The primary difference between a ground blizzard as opposed to a regular blizzard is that in a ground blizzard no precipitation is produced at the time, but rather all the precipitation is already present in the form of snow or ice at the surface.

Australia Bureau of Meteorology describes a blizzard as 'violent and very cold wind which is loaded with snow, at least which has been raised from snow-covered ground'. Blizzard conditions of cold temperatures and strong winds can cause wind chill values that can result in hypothermia or frostbite. The wind chill factor is the amount of cooling the human body feels due to the combination of wind and temperature.

Monday 20 January 2014

My Holiday

Last holiday, I went to my junior high school friend's house. It is located in Cimahi. I went there on December 31st, 2013, because I want to spend my time there to celebrate the new year. I felt very excited when I realized that the new year is coming. I was hoping that 2014 will be the year which I can be a better person, both in physical and spiritual. Also, I was hoping that many good things will happen this year.

The night before, I had prepared all of things that I have to brought to my friend's house. I have prepared some snacks, such as crackers, biscuits, and soft drinks. Also, I brought some great movies to watch at night. I brought some clothes and toiletries so it would be easy to take a bath there. After everything I need were packed, I went to my friend's house.

We decided to met at a restaurant. We were having lunch there, and shared some stories about our own schools. I felt happy because after long time, we can met and gathered together like the old days, when we were still at junior high schools. All of us missed that moments. Therefore, we would not waste this quality time.

After lunch, we were going to bought some fireworks for night. We stopped on the side of the road, and went to a shop that sold some fireworks. We bought many kind of fireworks there. Then, we decided to went to a supermarket because we want to bought more snacks to eat while watching some movies. After we thought the snacks were enough, we went to my friend's house.

It was almost 7 P.M. when we arrived at my friend's house. We have a prayer then prepared all of the snacks and movies. We watched some movies until it was 11 P.M. So, we went outside of my friend's house and having a fireworks party. It was a great view at the sky, when we light some fireworks plus some hits from other people fireworks.

Nobody saws that the clock shows it was 00:00 in January 1st, 2014. I can heard many voices from around me shouting "Happy New Year!", including my friends. People lighted the fireworks much more, grew louder from faraway places and filled the sky. Sounds from trumpets around my friend's house shouting like they were welcoming the new year. That were some great and unforgettable moments from my holiday.

Sunday 19 January 2014


Sometimes, maybe you hear your friends talking about Student Council in school. Do you know what Student Council is? It is an organization which role is to organize and hold various activities in the school. Student Council can also accommodate the aspirations from students. Student Council plays an important role to connect students with teachers. Without Student Council, it is hard to transmit the advice, opinions, comments, or even criticisms from students to teachers.

Student Council has to be an organizations that works best for serving and transmitting students aspirations. This can be happen if Student Council has a great leader, a hardworking person, a responsible person. Let me introduce myself before. My name is Arsent Medyna Ramsya. Now, I'm studying in XI Science 4, SMAN 3 Bandung. I want to offer myself as a candidate for the Student Council leader.

I have some abilities which can be some advantages for leading Student Council. I'm a responsible person. I'm also a good listener, I will hear all of students aspirations. I'm just going to sort out these aspirations, and draw a conclusion so it will be easy to tell them to teachers. I'm a hardworking person too. I will do my best to help all that students need, such as school events.

I have an vision and some missions if I can become the leader of Student Council. My vision is to make Student Council as a good organization that can help students to improve their abilities, creativity, and their achievements. My missions are:

  1. Create a good atmosphere between students and teachers.
  2. Make the Student Council as a container of aspirations from students.
  3. Hold some social events which are beneficial, whether it is inside or outside our school
"A great leader is not a person which have good abilities, knowledge, and leadership skills. They are nothing if they can't be a good listener."

Monday 6 January 2014


1. If I have one billion rupiahs, I will buy a notebook.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would buy a notebook.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would have bought a notebook.

2. I will be happy if I play football with my friends.
    I would be happy if I played football with my friends.
    I would have been happy if I had played football with my friends.

3. If I have one billion rupiahs, I will travel to France.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would travel to France.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would have traveled to France.
4. I will be happy if I watch Arsenal's football match.
    I would be happy if I watched Arsenal's football match.
    I would have been happy if I had watched Arsenal's  football match.

5. If I have one billion rupiahs, I will build a mosque.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would build a mosque.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would have built a mosque.

6. I will be happy if I have a lot of money.
    I would be happy if I had a lot of money.
    I would have been happy if I had a lot of money.

7. If I have one billion rupiahs, I will donate some to the orphans.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would donate some to the orphans.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would have donated some to the orphans.

8. I will be happy if I spend my holiday in England.
    I would be happy if I spent my holiday in England.
    I would have been happy if I had spent my holiday in England.

9. If I have one billion rupiahs, I will save some at the bank.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would save some at the bank.
    If I had one billion rupiahs, I would have saved some at the bank.
10. I will be happy if I meet Thierry Henry.
      I would be happy if I met Thierry Henry.
      I would have been happy if I had met Thierry Henry.